Monday, March 2, 2009

Dylan....or Bowie?

So many things I say I'll do tomorrow then tomorrow comes and goes. One of those things was painting. Tomorrow turned into six or seven years with out even picking up a paint brush. Well I dug up my paints and set up a studio down in the basement. Its a perfect set up. I have my record player, my speakers, my studio lights and now my easel and paints.

For a rough and first attempt at painting, I'm okay with it, however its supposed to be Bob Dylan. But maybe it kinda looks like David Bowie? The other work in progress is....THE JOKER. How geeky am I? Did I mention The Watchmen comes out Thursday night?


Michael said...

Ash you really are talented! I really am impressed with what you can do even after all this time... You re a true artist in every sense of the word I hope you believe that!
You re amazing!

Stephanie said...

I'm going to say it's David Bowie as JAreth in "The Labyrinth". LOVE IT!!!

Seriously though, why are you so talented? I'm good at stick people...kind of....